Thirst that astounds ( amos chapters 5, 6 and 7)


Still you love rapine

And hate justice

Rest and relief

For the poor.

You will lean

Against a wall

Only to suffer

The viper’s bite.

Your troops and chariots

Will serve you nothing.

In wrathful days

Prepare to meet me.

Your nakedness

Your harlot ceremonies

Laid out in the sun

To bake. Thirst intolerable

Your king in these crimes

Dragged to a pagan nation.

Many of the warnings ring true in our age:

1. You have assimilated the idolatry and false hopes of your neighbours.

2. You see no coming rod of correction.

3. You delight in the excess of ill-gotten gain snatched from the poor and the vulnerable.

4. You see nothing but clear skies ahead.

5. You can hardly tolerate the pause of the sabbath.

6. Your sacrifices are insincere. I will not smell them.

7. Your praise is irreverent. I will not listen.

8. Your idea of the Day of the Lord is simply more pandering of yourselves.

9. If you were to serve me in truth, there would be much more charity and social justice.

10. You are experiencing a famine for the Word of God in progressive measure.

11. I have laid a plumb-line to that which you have built; found it grievously wanting; intend serious judgment.

12. Many a difficulty, many a disaster have I set before you to cause you to return to me.

13. A remnant shall be saved and brought again to blessing and security.
