Outdoor Market, St. jacobs ON.


Spooning my Quaker oatmeal

With peaches

And Earl Grey tea.

Lucky me.

Today is Farmers Market

Thursday and it is windy.

No matter, I really

Need those grapes, russet potatoes

Butter tarts and buckwheat honey

Love to watch the 

Wide eyed kids

And frantic Mom trying

To keep hold of a hand.

Friends chatting.

Reviewing plans for an event.

Lovers whispering.

Furrow browed farmers

Striding over to

The cattle auction barn.

Also a free weekly

Township newspaper.

Promising local tennis girl

Local hockey highlights

Real estate overmuch. All charmer brokers.

A few jokes and WORD JUMBLE

But not that darned SUDOKU.

Oops, kid just knocked over a pyramid

Of lemons.

Gonna catch Hell, he is.

Little Mennonite girl staffer

Quietly starts the cleanup.
