Yes By All Means Get Ready
I made you to be like me. But stubbornness, lust, men's opinions, self-hurt and self-love got in the way.
Time has moved on for you and for your place of occupancy. There is less of it remaining, but I do not want you to get that 'sand left in the hourglass' impression.
You are eternal just as I am eternal, and you are jolted as you try to realize it. Because time measurement has been a crutch and comfort of sorts. Children's birthday parties. School terms. Summer sunsets. Wedding anniversaries. Retirement from the Plant. Remembrance Day. A grandchild's High School Graduation...and so on.
“Prepare to meet your God”. Amos a farmer and one of my messengers had said this. You probably hear it as a kind of threat and quickly turn your imaginings elsewhere. No need to dwell on death.
The timing is in my hands, notwithstanding the seeming turmoil all around. So get to know me wontchya?
Love can also be just. Dreaming and actualizing the best. Working it out for the Beloved. You need to develop that kind of confidence. A study of my Son's earth walk is essential. Shows my heart, my desire and patience. Shows the foolishness of systems of men. Shows the courage, constancy and compassion of Love. One day you awaken realizing that you love me because I first loved you.
With that transformation, days remaining become adventure, and the future Heavenward most desirable. Scripture, you see, begets life and hope.
Jesus at the Last Supper told His friends that He was going to prepare a place for them, and that He would eventually come to take them there. He used the word “mansions”, as befitting His Father's House.
Apostle Paul later wrote that death was an enlargement, a desirable development. Certainly not an end or a waste.
In these comments I have twigged your remembrance and conscience to the words of Amos and the Gospel Evangelists. I would add also the Revelation where Christ attests to the rewards prepared for those who hold on and overcome.
Please dear one, you do just that. I reveal myself to the eager and the hungry.
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