Thought We Had a Good One?
He has such a talent
And schooled so well too
Just get him to church and
So much he might do.
The duties are calling
Might just fit the bill.
So send out the invite
A spot he might fill.
On Sundays he bears down
And feeds on preached Word
He nods his approval
He came and he heard.
But now somewhat different
Reluctant almost
He's dealing with sin
And counting the cost.
The confidence missing
The skills under-played.
Is he still the right one
What has Jesus made?
A meekness so novel
His ears keenly tuned.
Has too much religion
Our champion ruined?
But Spirit says "Hands off"
Some space now at least
We're forging a partner.
We're making a priest.
Note: Oswald Chambers would often teach that our natural talents and potentials must be killed off. They lead to dangerous self-assurance. The Spirit of God strips a man down to a simple broken heart; hearing the whispers and will of God, and then doing as divinely directed. Living in a new righteousness, peace and joy. This is true service in the Spirit of Christ.
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