Eavesdropping on God


JUNE 21, 2013 /

I can do this all day.

As the world turns around.

Night-time dreams elevate

The Dark Continent.

Busy housewife senses my touch

As she wipes a teary cheek

In Wisconsin.

(Baby won’t stop crying from colic.)

Store owner prays in Manchester.

Small fire and water damage

To most of his next-season stock.

A robin falls from

A wind-swept nest

In the bush outside Timmins.

Young Jason with the game leg

Hides in a driveway

From those bullies

Who hound him after school.

Marjorie talks to Fred in his photograph

On the dresser at the old home.

I bring her warm memories

Of their first summer together

And the good news of baby number one.

Sarah…she grew up to be an optometrist.

Traveling to refugee camps

In that Dark Continent.

I love this.

I keep doing this.

It is running as it should.

Daily I am discovered

By more honest seekers.

Jesus, Son, we are doing it

Wait ’til we get ’em all together.

Seems just around the corner.
